Every year around this time, men and women are usually doing one of two things: worrying about what to buy their significant other for Valentine’s Day, or planning what they’re going to do on Single’s Awareness day.
Either way, we’re here to help. No matter if you’re in a committed relationship or spending the day with your best friends, our guide to planning the perfect Valentine’s Day will help ensure that you have a fun-filled day, full of love.

If You’re Single
If you’re down about being single on Valentine’s Day, it’s time to change that.
Valentine’s Day is all about love, and that can include love for your family, friends and yourself.
Self love is one of the biggest challenges for some people. So why not take the day to show yourself how much you love you.
Here’s our top suggestions:
Plan a day at the spa

What better way to show self love than to relax, unwind and get a healing massage?
Spa prices vary quite a bit, so there’s usually something for everyone in regards to budget.
Even if you can only splurge on a pedicure, taking the time to take care of yourself is what matters most.
Treat yo’ self! Whether you’re going out to a nice dinner or splurging on a new pair of diamond studs, you don’t need a significant other to get a gift on Valentine’s Day!
Make it a girls night

Grab all of your girlfriends and plan a night out…or in!
Whether you head to the bars or drink wine at home, spending the day with some of your biggest supporters (and drinking a few glasses of wine) is sure to bring some incredible memories and belly laughs this holiday.
If You’re Taken
Having a special someone on Valentine’s Day can make the day a bit more romantic…but also a bit more stressful.
Sometimes it can be hard to know how big of a gift to get someone or what activity you should do.
Here are some helpful ideas.
Delicious Valentines meal

If you’ve only just started to date, showing that you put thought into your plans can mean even more than a present.
Make a reservation at the first place you went out to dinner or schedule a fun and interactive activity that will let you guys try something new together.
Beautiful jewelry gift

If you’ve been together for a while, jewelry can be one of the safest ways to go in regards to a Valentine’s Day gift.
If you’re not quite ready to propose, but you still want to get a gift that means a lot and represents your love, a pair of diamond earrings or a diamond bracelet is the way to go.
If Valentine’s Day is going to be the day that you pop the big question, you’re likely up to your neck in diamond options.
Thankfully, there’s an easy way to scale that down a bit: lab-grown diamonds.
These gorgeous stones are physically the same as mined diamonds. But, they have differences that set them apart from mined diamonds…in a good way.
Not only are they 100% ethically sourced, but they’re environmentally friendly.
The impact to our environment made by a lab-grown diamond vs. a mined diamond is miniscule, so you can feel confident about your purchase!
If you’re already married, Valentine’s Day could be the perfect time to upgrade her current ring.
If you purchased her engagement ring when you didn’t have a ton of money and you’re looking to put a bigger rock in her current setting, a lab-grown diamond could be the perfect fit.

Since they offer loose diamonds on their own, you can order a new stone and have your local jeweler set it into her setting.
Just be sure to place your order before February 5th if you’re hoping to have it by Valentine’s Day!

No matter who you’re celebrating with or what your plans are, Valentine’s Day is all about love.
Take time to remind yourself that you’re loved and do something for yourself or someone else that shows that you care.