4 Ways Playing on a Playground Helps Kids With Their Self-Esteem

Posted on Jul 27 2017 - 9:07am by Ronnie

Helping kids enhance their self-esteem and confidence in themselves to play on their own or do tasks independently of others is not always easy.

Unfortunately, with today’s non-stop screen-use, many children are becoming hermits, staying in-doors instead of living out their childhood outside. This causes them to under-develop their socializing skills.

Some of my best memories were playing outside with friends – not only was it a fun time, but it also helped form lifelong bonds and friendships.

It’s imperative that we shut off the screens and teach our kids to enjoy the outside and everything it has to offer.

Playgrounds provide a great environmentally friendly place for kids to have fun, explore, and socialize with others.

Read on to find out how playing on a playground can help your child with their self-esteem and social development.

How Playing Outside Helps Improves Kids' Self-Esteem

Meeting new friends

Playing on the playground is a great way to meet new friends.

While exploring slides, the swings, or climbing all over playground structures, your child will have an opportunity to interact with others.

Surely they will enjoy interacting with other children, especially if they are on the same developmental level.

Try new things

A playground allows your child to explore equipment on their own and try new things.

Whether they muster up the courage to climb the stairs to the slide and slide down on their own, or they accomplish climbing to the top of a jungle gym, your child is learning new skills.

This helps them feel good about themselves as they are accomplishing new objectives.

Make sure your child knows that you are proud of them for trying something new and encourage them to continue doing so.

Learn new things

Interacting with peers gives children an opportunity to learn new things.

Developmental experts have conducted research for years that examine how children interact and learn from one another.

Research shows that children learn a great deal from watching their peers and then mimicking their actions.

Encourage your child to talk about what they learned and let them know that you are impressed and proud of their knowledge.

Give them a compliment and let them know that they are smart.

These small bits of positive reinforcement will encourage them to continue to try new things.

Play with them

There are many instances when it is important to let your child explore and play on their own but there is nothing your child loves more than spending time with you.

After you allow your child to play and explore on their own for awhile, try playing with them, as well.

According to Psychology Today, there are multiple benefits for children when playing with their parents including mental, physical and social health development.

Playing with them in the playground is easy: you can help them swing or you can catch them as they slide down the slide. Perhaps help them with the parts of the playground that they are unable to reach such as the monkey bars.

Whether your child is shy and has a hard time meeting new children, or they are hesitant to try new things on their own, taking your child to a playground is a great way to allow them to explore and learn how to be independent.

Be sure to encourage them and give them compliments to let them know that they are smart and brave, especially when they learn or try something new.

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When it comes to style, Ronnie is all about comfort (plus, she's an original geek... way before it was cool). Ronnie is the type of girl who loves cosplay, wears Pokemon hats and has dyed her hair every color of the rainbow - but she knows how to glam it up for the nights out!

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